Kids Fishing Day in Leelanau County
Kids Fishing Day in Leelanau County set a new attendance record, and it wasn’t close.
“I couldn’t believe it,” said Al Campbell, who is chair of Kids Fishing Day. “People just kept coming in. Our volunteers did an excellent job of keeping up — even if we had to send out twice for more bait and once for more hot dogs.”
Campbell is a candidate for the Leelanau County Board of Commissioners, seeking the seat for District No. 5 representing Leland and Centerville Township. He and his wife, Debra, have donated to Kids Fishing Day since its early beginnings in 2006. Al has volunteered since KFD’s early years, and now their son, Cody, runs a fish filleting booth to show young people how to clean bluegills free of bones.
While past Kids Fishing Days have attracted between 500 and 600 people to Veronica Valley County Park, the one held Sunday, June 30, brought in an estimated 1,000 people. Many kids caught their first fish. They were also entertained by an amphibian display, fly-fishing lessons, kids painting booth — and of course free hot dogs.
Many organizations came together for the event, Campbell said. Included were the Leelanau County Parks and Recreation Committee, Lake Leelanau Lake Association, Lake Leelanau Community Association, Grand Traverse Band, Michigan DNR and Cherryland Electric Co-Op. The PATH (Passing Along the Heritage) Foundation, a statewide group promoting fishing and hunting especially for young and handicapped people, was a major sponsor. Campbell is a member of PATH’s Board of Directors.
Many businesses in Lake Leelanau including Pedaling Beans, Dick’s Pour House, Lake Leelanau Narrows Resort and the Narrows Yacht Club, donated money. Hansen Foods in Suttons Bay gave 600 hot dogs and buns.
“This is truly a community event that will continue throughout the summer because young people will keep catching bluegills in Kids Fishing Pond. It is a pleasure to see so many families gathered with their youngest members enjoying the outdoors,” Campbell said.