PATH orchard hunt 2024
Jim Fellows harvested an adult doe Saturday evening in a cherry orchard in Centerville Township during the last minutes of shooting hours. “She didn’t go very far,” Fellows said.
Jim and his son Steve Fellows were invited to hunt an orchard owned by farmer Greg Williams that has become overrun with deer.
The hunt was sponsored by the Passing Along the Heritage (PATH) Foundation, which provided a wheelchair-accessible trailer and adaptive equipment allowing Fellows to fire a rifle at a deer by sucking on small, rubber hose. He was accompanied by Samantha Mahon, a recreation therapist at the Grand Traverse Pavilions in Traverse City.
They were all invited to a “deer camp” grill out that afternoon hosted by the Campbell family of Lake Leelanau. Al Campbell is a member of the PATH Board of Directors. Deb Campbell cooked for and hosted the hunters. Their son, Cody Campbell, served as guide for the hunt.
PATH raises most of its funds through a banquet held in May in Grand Blanc and donations from people, businesses and other nonprofits including the Abrams Foundation. In Traverse City, Hampel’s Gun Company is a major sponsor.
To learn more about PATH, make a donation or apply for a future hunt, visit the organization’s website.